When you’re putting together a crowdfunding campaign, you’ve got to figure out the best way to get people to give you money, right? The fact of the matter is, if you don’t have a good title, then you will not be in a good position when it comes to putting your campaign together.
Why? Because your funders are going to notice your title before they see anything else. If they don’t like your title, or they don’t get enough information from it, then they’re likely going to click away, never to come back to your campaign again. That’s a funder that you’re losing, and cash that could really help you to achieve your goals.
According to the Guide for Marketing at Street Directory, “Your title and subtitles are one of the most critical elements that your ad campaign could ever have. It’s either your target audience is taken with your title and subtitle, or not. In fact, both your title and subtitle can influence your target audience to either keep you or throw your ad away.” That’s talking about ads, but the same thing goes on when people look at your crowdfunding campaigns.
This can be incredibly stressful to think about right up front. You have to have the perfect title in order to get people to stand up, pay attention, and actually read enough to want to donate to you in the first place. So, of course, the big question is this – how can you make a great title for your crowdfunding campaign? Here’s a few tips that we suggest.
Keep it Short and Simple.
One problem that a lot of people have when they’re putting together campaign titles is that they try to cram all of the information that they can in them. Heri Rakotomalala at MakeAChamp.com talks about titles this way: “Highly successful campaigns deviate little from the mean length of 7.5 words. On the other hand, bad campaigns often have extremely short titles or very long ones.”
He then goes on to explain that, by keeping them short, but not too short, that people are going to see the purpose and actually click through to your campaign. Balance is key here – give them enough information so that they know what’s going on, but not so much that they don’t feel the need to click through to your campaign.
Remember the primary objective when writing your title.
What exactly are you trying to get people to back? How are you going to get those people in? Paul Roman Martinez from the Comic Starter says this about the Title and Subtitle of your campaign: “This is the only text they can see through the browsing page and will contain the most important keywords for the search function. What is your project? What themes does it contain? You have to ask yourself what things your potential backers are looking for. I’ve seen—even experienced—project creators mess this up.”
So, when you’re writing that title, make sure that you keep the main thing, the main thing, or you may start to notice that you’re getting to a point where you aren’t achieving the funding goals that you actually want to achieve.
Focus on keyword utilization.
Those keywords are going to be how people are going to find your campaign. So, instead of just putting a generic title like “Dice Game” or “Adventure Movie” isn’t going to cover everything. What is the theme of your dice game? If it’s about the Wild West or Outer Space, make sure that you put that in there. An adventure movie about a pair of kids is likely going to have a different audience than an adventure movie about a modern day Schwarzenegger-type hero.
Jamey Stegmaier from Stonemaier Games makes this suggestion for those who are choosing titles: “As a way to complement the searchability (or lack thereof) of the product name, add a subtitle that can help lead more people to your project. For example, if you’re raising money to make a new type of sunglasses called YouVee, add a subtitle that captures a broader audience than those specifically searching for your project (YouVee: The Summer Sunglasses of the Future).”
As you can see, the title of your project is quite a big deal, and you want to put plenty of time and thought into it before you actually decide on a title. The results that you get from the time you invest will definitely be worth it!